Be sure to fill in all of the necessary information about your email address. You can find the tutorial of what you need to fill in here. If you believe you’ve filled in all of the correct info...
Email History
By going to the “Email” page, you can view your email history. From here you can narrow your search by choosing the dates that you need and by using the search bar in the upper right corne...
Sending Customer Emails
Book Rides Online allows you to send your customers four different types of emails : Quote, Confirmation, Deposit Receipt and Balance Receipt. To send an email, first go into the reservation that you ...
Customizing Email Footers
Customers are sent four different types of emails: Quote, Confirmation, Receipt and Invoice. For each of these emails, we allow you to edit and personalize the footer to contain any information you ma...
Adding a BCC Email Address for Client Quote & Confirmation Emails
If you would like a BCC of all client quote and confirmation emails sent out, you can add an email address into your settings for all BCC’s to be sent to. To enter an email address for BCC’...
Email Set Up
You can have Book Rides Online send email from your own email account. If you don’t provide an email address we’ll send email from our account, but having your...